Bible Verses About Worry: Confession Card

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Chipmunk Eating Berry Preview

I thought this cute, care-free chipmunk munching on berries was a good picture to go with this confession to overcome anxiety. I took a picture of a baby chipmunk eating berries on the shrubs in our front yard and created this digital painting.

If you want to overcome worry, you can buy this card at Zazzle for yourself or for a child. You can also write or print out this confession:

1I trust in the Lord with all my heart; I don’t lean to my own understanding. In all my ways I acknowledge Him, and He directs my paths.
2I never worry about anything; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving I let my requests be made known unto God. I am filled with the peace of God, which passes all understanding.
3I live a care-free life because I cast all my concerns on God; He cares for me.
4The Lord goes before me; He is with me, He does not fail me, nor forsake thee: I do not fear and I am not dismayed.

This scriptural declaration is based on: 1Proverbs 3:5-6 2Philippians 4:6-7 31 Peter 5:7 4 Deuteronomy 31:8